Josh is seen here asking his question for the segment

Got 2 more e-mails for this next we go, as always I just copy and paste the questions and answers.
Q: If Lebron was on this years Husker basketball team how many games would they lose? And what would they do in the post season?
A: I'd venture to guess they'd probably only lose three or four games and make it to at least the Elite 8. Seriously, could you imagine LeBron playing college right now?
Q: If Lebron played a WNBA team 1 on 5....who would win?
A: LeBron. No question about it. I am dead serious too.
come on is 5 on 1, I agree womens b-ball is bad but 5 on 1. No way.
First I am gonna assume that Lebron does not have to inbounds the ball on made shots or dead ball situations. And that no one can foul out of the game.
After much thought I think Lebron could give them a game but would ultimately lose by 10-20 pts or so. After 48 minutes I think he would wear down and be way to tired. Solid ball movement and hitting open shots would be to much for him to handle. I do think he would be able to score quite a bit though as he would be way to strong for them to handle and I do not care if there are 5 of them.
WNBA Team 79
Lebron 64
Frederick it is your turn to explain how Lebron would beat them so easily....
Three words - bigger, faster, stronger. Even by himself. Honestly, he'd score every possession. Dunk or layup. The women would go every now and then without scoring. Lebron 108 WNBA 90
is that picture really one of you guys? no way right?
yes that actually is one of the guys in the league. His name is Josh Mai and he loves Tai food.
so how is that gf's bush coming along?
you guys ever play Boyz II Men and slow dance in your dorm room?
Hey Max Josh has a TWO INCHER too...I am not joking!!
Come on Ya Lebron, is a total shark, but give the women some credit 5 of them!!! !st quarter while Lebron is Fresh Lebron 30 WNBA 25 Then He is wayyy too tired running around them every play!!! 5 of them Start to trap him making a Circle pretty much around a very tired Lebron.... Halftime Lebron 45 WNBA 50, 3rd Quarter Lebron Fresh again Goes OFFF Lebron 70 WNBA 65... 4th Quarter just way too tired... turns ball over.. settles for 3's.... WNBA 90 Lebron 80 ... 5 of THEM COME ON--
That is EXACTLY how is would go too. Lebron told me Himself
he guys I also wanted to say I shave my nuts.
I do too. It has to be done. This is 2008, not 1978.
maxrb- have you ever shaved a girl's bush?
man you all are full of interesting and might I say unusual questions.
No bush shaving for me Frederick.
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