Best DB in CFB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk7Oj8wmRLQ&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Floserswithsocks%2Ecom%2F&feature=player_embedded
Kobza's boy and his former boy...and maybe the best fight song in college football: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqgeiAVOmfk
phone video at a bar after Ohio State/Michigan game 07'..kick ass rivalries reason reason #403 why CFB blows away NFL
gets me pumped that is for sure!!! I like the third one palik!!!
Josh is a virgin
Video 2 is great!
Frederick, in the last ten years what is the longest amount of time you went without screwing?
Without beating off?
real funny!!!!! gets old!!!!! and no I am not!
Last ten years? Oh, I'd say in my early to mid twenties I went a stretch of a year plus that I went without sex (with another partner).
I don't think I've gone longer than two weeks without stroking it since I first started doing so.
Damn Frederick, 2 weeks? That is impressive. I would say my longest stretch is 2 days or so.
You guys never seem to amaze me do you. Long time no see Frederick, back at school for me.
Max! You're back!!! It hasn't been the same around here without you. Football season is looming. Before you know it you'll be able to hear the pads popping. Looking forward to some good football smack. Welcome back.
I think the question everybody wants to know is, have you been crushing any teens up there in Wisconsin?
Max will you measure your penis and report the size here?
Frederick, a reporter asked Tim Tebow in a roundabout way if he is a virgin. What do you think?
I think he is, much like Josh, a virgin. However, I'm quite confident he's had his share of blow jobs.
if you HAD to choose one of these which would you?
1. you pick any girl you want on earth, that girl is then poisoned and killed. 2 minutes after she is dead you fuck her for 5 minutes.
2. you get fucked by a random gay dude for 5 minutes.
Those are two brutal choices. I'm not touching that.
Erin Andrews 911 call!!!!!
-name one game you wish you could go to this year?
-who will play for the championship?
-who wins the Heisman?
Vid 2 great!
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