If you have a Meachem jersey you are a officially a huge Saints fan....Josh comes into this video at the 43 second mark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VHX10Mg_I
family reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix3CbAHXU1c
And one video to get us in the mood for something coming soon... and for Kobza... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_8z4uEGGls
Tick is not a virgin
second clip is classic, goosebumps
better one Palik
Josh has a two incher AND is a virgin.
Fredrick tell us the story about that shit on your dick again please
It was New Years Eve 2001. Me and a bunch of buddies went to Patty's Pub for some drinks around 11:00 in the MORNING. Lets just say by 4 or 5 I was pretty damn drunk. And I had another 6 hours of boozing in me. Come midnight we are at a house party and I make out with a random girl. Long story short about 1:00 am I have her in the back bedroom butt naked. After sucking my cock for a good half hour I move in for the kill but she says no as she is not on the pill. I say lets do anal and she says ok. At this point though I am so drunk I can't cum even after screwing her in the ass. She turns around to finish me off with a hand/blow job and after about 2-3 seconds of the blow job portion she goes "Oh God". She walks over and flips that light on in the bedroom and there is shit all over my dick and some on her chin/mouth area! Gross as hell but we were both wasted, OBVIOUSLY.
Didn't that experience turn you off of anal Frederick? And have you ever given or received a Cleveland Steamer?
yet Frederick has never shaved a girl clean before??? BUT he has smeared his own feces on a chics face with his dick. How is this even possible?
Dude I DID NOT smear it on her face with my junk. Well at least not on purpose. And it wasn't really a smear more like a couple whacks or hits. I felt so bad for her. Thank God I was drunk.
Josh is a virgin
frederick, when you eat your wife out describe to us what she taste like
ok I never thought we would have a question that is to personal or has crossed the so called line but this last one might be it
frederick what items have you ever put inside your wife? (vag, anal, mouth) i.e. dildos, food, etc. etc.
At the Scouting Combine, the Wonderlic exam is administered to players in groups. The 12-minute test is preceded by some brief instructions and comments from the person administering the test.
Per a league source, after the person administering the test to Tebow's group had finished, Tebow made a request that the players bow their heads in prayer before taking the 50-question exam.
Said one of the other players in response: "Shut the [fudge] up." Others players in the room then laughed.
This person had to be Frederick.
Have you every started a hot shower, let the bathroom steam up then take a dump? It is the best way to take a dump ever.
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