Segment #2 with local Husker freak/homer
Q: What do you think of all the Missouri fans thinking of a realtively easy win here in Lincoln next week? Of Missouri football in general?
A: Hey all you bandwagon Mizzou fans - since your pathetic NFL teams are the two worst teams in the league I'm sure you're all running out to the local Wal-Mart and buying up all the Tiger gear to make the trip to Lincoln to witness what you think will be a cake walk. Think again. Although I'll admit you have a helluva team don't think you're not going to be in for a game next Saturday. For the past few months all I've heard is that Missouri has only one tough game against Texas prior to losing to Oklahoma once again in the Big 12 title game. To me this isn't any different than in 2004 and 2006 when Missouri came to town with everybody thinking the Tigers were going to win. What happened the last two times in Lincoln? Or to extend the point, how about the past 30 years? One more thing, tell Chase Daniel the next time he wants to pick his nose and eat his boogers to make sure there aren't any cameras around.
(note...again answer is copy and pasted exactly as is)
someone is a little scared of the ass whooping coming your way next week...dont you have a game this week to worry about anyways????
hey dude are you actually serious? I really hope not cause if you believe that shit you type there is no hope for you.
I really liked the part about calling us "band wagon fans". You gotta be fucking kidding me, you people are king of the BIGGEST band wagon ever in all of American sport, look at your basbeall team you frekaing idiot! Dear God some people should not be allowed to make babies.
hey you guys have any athletes in gay porn lately? or how bout any that have murdered someone?
sit back and enjoy your ass licking next week dick
I can't wait till we drop 50 on your pathetic cornhole loving team. The tide has turn, the NUBS are a thing of the past.
is this Aaron dude 10 years old? I sure hope so. Nice booger comments, we haven't heard those 5 million times before. For all I care he can he his own shit as long as we have him on on our team and you guys have a below average Joe Ganz.
Hey at least Chase isn't out murdering people though.
Dear Mizzou fans- Oh that's right, you're not bandwagon fans. What, do you have like two consecutive sell outs? Enjoy your last season with C Daniel. The Big Red will rise again.
By the way, Missouri SHOULD beat Nebraska next week. I mean they are in the Top 5 aren't they? No pressure on NU. Not many believe they have a chance. I'm also thinking not one person who'll read this thought Oregon State was going to beat USC.
I have nothing to say about the NU wrestlers in gay porn and former football players committing murder since both things are wrong on so many levels. So I guess if you want to pile on so be it.
Ok tell us why you can be so damn dumb as to call us "band wagon" when you guys have the biggest band wagon possibly ever in college sports in your baseball team. I can't wait to hear you spin this.
And you aren't "rising". Everyone with a brain knows you have another joke of a coach. There is a reason why Michigan, Florida, soon Penn State, etc. go get big high demand coaches and no one will take your job so you have to hire these clowns. Sorry your days are over.
you guys are rising???? what??? uh no, you just hired a coach who is mentally retarded. Sorrry
I think it's safe to say, most Missouri fans are well aware of the "any given Saturday" philosophy, as they are with the fact that wacky shit happens at Nebraska. (A ball was kicked over a dude's head and landed in the arms of another dude with :00 on the clock. That's some wacky shit.)
Mizzou may or may not win in Lincoln for that fact alone. I think every Mizzou fan is comfortable saying that.
As for the "bandwagon" comment...that amuses me. Aren't you the same "greatest fans in the nation" (it says so on your door) that booed your own team against Ball State last year? Didn't 1/2 of you all leave when down 38-0 at halftime against OSU last year?
And now you beat a few cupcakes by 20 and you're ready to take on the world?
I mock you because you deserve it. I roll my eyes at you because it is warranted. Sometimes crazy things happen...and Missouri will have to show up and play hard. But let there be no mistake:
You are nowhere near what you once were...the same can be said for Mizzou. If it makes you feel better to mock this fact...so be it.
Nobody makes fun of Baylor.
aj - People left early last year and booed mainly because they were unhappy with the coaching staff and athletic director. What, some people booed so that makes the fans band wagon? If anything that would be called "fair weather".
I guess I don't know how the baseball team got involved in this topic but I will tell you that the program has been very good for ten years now and yes, more people go to the games and follow due to success and the fact they play in a beautiful new ball park. I don't understand the issue here. People in Nebraska have supported the CWS for years before Nebraska was worth a shit in baseball. What is so wrong with those fans having their own team to cheer for?
1, this guy makes fun of us for having bad NFL teams? Whoa is he a fucking dumb ass. As opposed to your what? Lincoln Lighting? Omaha Beef? Dude I imagine you were lucky to get a GED.
2, nice spin on the baseball bandwagon. NO BODY AT ALL USE TO GO TO YOUR GAMES. Now they do like mad, get a dman clue man it is the biggest band wagon there is.
making a fool of yourself Frederick...time to eject man
BO-FENSE-BO Knows-Got Bo?
Bo is the best coach ever and will take us to a National Championship every year until he retires. NU 14 and 0 till 2043! We play hard!
NU does have some pretty passionate fans...why is that bad? College Football is entertainment (for the fans, anyway), doesn't it make it more fun if you want your team to win? And, what's wrong with a little tradition?
When Daniels graduates and Mizzou has a .500 season or worse again, then we'll see what team has the bandwagon fans.
And concerning the fans leaving the OSU game in the 1st quarter: I viewed it as a protest against the coaching staff and AD that most of Huskernation despised. I'm sorry it probably affected the kids and made us look bad.
Now that NU has a coach they can relate to, whether or not we win, I don't expect Huskernation to ever do that again.
PS. Pro-Husker or not, the blogger is a flippin idiot, and all he did was a good job of getting others to sink to his level.
"Now that NU has a coach they can relate to"
really? so your players are mentally retarded and social misfits too huh. Sweet.
I don't have the time or energy to get into a war of words so I'm just going to end it by saying Missouri is going to beat NU by four touchdowns. If they gave up 35 to VT, I can't imagine what Daniel is going to do. There, you win Missouri fan. Very disappointing tonight.
Atleast fans of USC, Florida, and Georgia, to name a few, probably feel worse than I do. Misery loves company.
why so quiet? Getting worked by a pedestrian team will do that I guess.
Maybe your argument would be somewhat effective if you had any sort of football related logic and no, "any given Saturday" doesn't really count.
How about, the 102nd worst passing defense in the nation blows coverage several times against a team averaging 99 passing yards per game, giving up 35 points.
So then, one of the best passing attacks in the nation, with a quarterback who's been nearly flawless comes in to Lincoln having had two weeks to prepare. Of course anything can happen, but do you really think Nebraska (who lost 41-6) last year has really made up enough ground in the last year to beat Mizzou? How? When? What's really changed?
Arguing that Nebraska's home field advantage spots them 35 points is certainly very homeristic.... Very characteristic of a Husker fan in denial that they are no better than the 3rd or 4th best team in the Big 12 North.
Personally, I've been following Mizzou since the Corby Jones days (I was 13...) and to finally see the last of these 'streaks' end, will be beautiful. I still remember when Mizzou beat Nebraska in 2003 for the first time in 25 years. Judging by your logic though, Mizzou shouldn't have won that one either.
I don't know what the end score will be, but I say the game will be essentially over by half-way through the second quarter.
Enjoy your greatest season ever, it is still going to include at least 2 losses. And after your boy Chase (my vote for the Heisman thus far) leaves its back down to earth. Your defense sucks, and if I'm not mistaken you have the Longhorns and Tech on the docket yet. Not to mention IF you make the Big Xii championship its likely going to be Oklahoma, who will dominate you thru and thru just like last year...twice. It won't last long, so keep taking shots at husker fans while you have the chance. Mizzou fans are right up there w/ Colorado fans in my book...and I dont think I need to elaborate any further on that.
hey Carter...enjoy your ass raping that is coming Saturday, ok?
Ass-raping huh? How about that G.E.D? Original...and clever. I envy you for coming up w/ that all by yourself. Actually, I feel sorry for you for simply being you.
add Carter to the loooong list of myopic Nub fans stuck in the sewage system of a state called Nebraska. Another one that can't admit that they have become the old dog that has 1 ear, 3 legs, no energy and is basically lifeless. Owner can't bring himself to shot his ole pup though even though deep down he knows he should. Dont worry will bring the shotgun Saturday night and do it before.
Hey at least you guys have NU baseball, you guys are "the greatest fans" on earth of that sport too I bet.
Man this worked as planned...keep fighting guys!
aj is so jealous of NU at is not even funny...
AJ = Jealous of the Huskers. Plain and simple!!!
Just for the record, I never said anything about Missouri fans being bandwagon fans, or the fact that "NU Football is back". I am certain all of you were big Mizzou fans when they were losing (yea, give me a fucking break)...you were just too ashamed to go to the games 'cause it was embarrassing to even throw on the black Tiger shirt.
I am well aware NU football will never display the dominance that it once did during the Big 8 & early part of the Big XII. But somebody has to come out of the Big Xii North and after this year it is WIDE OPEN.
Time will tell...I'm just glad I grew up in the "sewage system of a state called Nebraska" so I was exposed to excellence instead of shitty football.
I am certain all of you were big Mizzou fans when they were losing (yea, give me a fucking break)...
HMMMMMMMM, sound familiar there Husker baseball fan???
Addition to last post...
but why would we or anyone spend hard earn money on a shitty product? Seriously, why? We spend it elsewhere cause we have plenty of other major sports to spend it on. You dumbfucks do not so you spend all your corn yields on a horrible product.
You guys think you are so great cause of this.
The rest of the country who has other options sees you as the suckers you are.
Missouri fans - You guys are douchebags. My buddy posted my original rant on one of your message boards to stir up the pot. I'm well aware that it is likely a loss for Nebraska. However, you're sense of superiority is comedic to me. Nebraska may be a "has been" but at least they've been. See ya Saturday.
You can leave our site now.
mizzou ever won a Big 12 Title in any sport? Just checking?
"mizzou ever won a Big 12 Title in any sport? Just checking?"
yeah volleyball and we are damn proud!!! Oh wait that is you losers, never mind.
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