Troy-zac, c.brown, sharp, iglesias, r.smith, king..Fred.-t.taylor, moreno, tate, hunter, holt, butler
Craig-clark, johnson, royster, crawford, briscoe, judson......Mike-Stafford, murray, washington, ingram, mckinley, meier
Chris-daniel, goodson, rainey, kamara, swift, cosby...Darrin-ganz, hill, k.lewis, carr, kelly, brown
Josh-wilson, lucky, evans, allen, dez, coffman...Ty-juice, mcgee, whitaker, benn, beckum, t.scott
Kobza-mccoy,davis, coffee, j.williams, t.saunders, lafell.....Beringer-bradford, spiller, dufrene, lester, robiskie, man. johnson

I just noticed that Josh and Tyson play each other this week. Hmmmm interesting. The two enemies square off already. If you don't know the history Josh more or less said Tyson drafted a terrible team and doesn't know jack shit about college football. Not to mention Josh trashing Juice Williams when they seen each other at the casino's back in June. Tyson obviously wasn't to happy with all the verbal jabs Josh has been taking at him. So that leaves us here today with two of our managers hating each other. I love it and allow me to dedicate this song to Tyson and Josh…
A mud wrestling match between Josh and Tyson would be so hot.
Oh and by the way, my bread muffin of the week is the Big Red -27 against SJS. I love this for so many reasons I don't have time type right now.
I'll be prepared for all your shit talking if in fact they don't cover. However, I put some bread on them and I don't plan on losing.
Well I was wrong. Figures. I liked four games and they all hit except for the one I bet on. The Huskers only played one good quarter (4th)and still almost pulled out the cover. Too many penalties and early missed tackles doomed me.Damn it.
Juice Williams...Fantasy MVP???
I wish he was on my squad right about now. Good pick Ty.
juice sucks
almost covered? and we almost lost the game too
Almost lost? Margin of victory was 23. Point spread was 27. They were 24 points away from losing the game. They were 5 points away from covering. Am I missing something here?
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