tyson 116, craig 68...darrin 41, josh 74...mike 80, kobza 63...bryan 34, beringer 45...tick 97, troy 50....chris 50, frederick 69
- tyson 534 5-0
- troy 479 3-2
- craig 411 4-1
- chris 394 3-2
- mike 382 3-2
- josh 371 2-3
- frederick 327 4-1
- darrin 324 1-4
- beringer 311 3-2
- bryan 308 0-5
- tick 308 1-4
- kobza 298 1-4
week highs....QB: Pryor 31.....RB: Clay 36.....WR: G.Tate 33
season highs...QB: Tebow 40....RB: Best 44....WR: M.Floyd 36
100+ pt games: tyson 4, troy 3, craig-chris-mike-josh 1
40 pt or less gms: bryan and tick 1
weeks in first place: troy 4, tyson 1
weeks in last place: tick 4, kobza 1
You say Virgin...I say Josh
Josh has never screwed the living hell out of a girl.
4 days until you losers make more excuses and continue to bring up ancient history.
oh yeah!!! http://www.kansascity.com/sports/story/1487357.html#
will Josh play Brandon Kinnie SOON?
and mizzuraw will have no history to reply with
Frederick when is the last time you plowed your wife and what sexual position(s) did you two use?
fredrick I hear you got a big mouth considering how bad we own you guys in todays game. You can't take the heat then don't run your mouth to Tiger nation.
mizzu's claim to fame...."we've never won ANYTHING"
bite the curb tiger fanz
you losers just do not get it. You have no lives with nothing to live for except one team. A team that is now a joke. Try living your shit hole state for once. Sure is nice having two MLB teams, two NFL teams and numerous colleges. No wonder you dorks get excited over a 300 game streak when the rest of the world laughs at you for it. Oh and the thing is it is NOT EVEN A 300 GAME STREAK but you losers lie to everyone and tell them it is.
See you Thursday night. Now go wash your 1993 bowl t-shirt because it is all you fucking have.
Oh and congrats on "we use to be good you have no history". Who cares? You suck now and have nothing to life for. Maybe you can watch the chess team play. Or go watch corn grow. Or maybe go watch your mens basketball team play? LOL
You have been passed up by 4-5 teams in the Big 12. Deal with it. Romey
Sure wish we had the Rams and Chiefs in Nebraska...that would be cool...they're pretty good.....And we would sure trade our Huskers for a mid level big 12 team that has never won anything in anything. NU, Colorado, Kansas st, Texas A&M, Texas, and Oklahoma have all won Big 12 titles....Mizzu has not came close...sorry for the typo above...Mizzu is in the bottem half of the Big 12 for having won nothing...not even the big 12...Kant state even mustered up one of those being the biggest shit hole school in the conference
Yeah you don't care about history Mizzu fans cause you don't have any...F****** losers.....
History does not matter in college football??? Why is Notre Dame, NY Yankees, Dallas Cowboys the most popular teams??? Because of history....when teams have no history like the sorry Mizzu tigers knowone cares about your sorry assed team...And thats why your fans are so keen on Beating Nebraska....we have all the history....you have an empty awards case
Roooooooar Tigers
Last 10 NU Mizzu meetings...
1999 NU
2000 NU
2001 NU
2002 NU
2003 MIZZU
2004 NU
2005 MIZZU
2006 NU
2007 MIZZU
2008 MIZZU
so tell me Mizzu fans....why is NU so bad and your program is so great when heads up the last 10 meetings we are in the lead. You've won 2 in a row??? Wow...Some of our worst teamsever came the last 10 years and we still are in the lead over your sorry assed program LOL
Mizzu fans only care about the last two years because its the only success they've ever had!! Huge Cotton and Alamo victories have made this program a superpower with the likes of USC, Florida, and Texas...oh wait they win stuff along with national titles....nevermind
Love the comment above on Notre Dame, NY Yankees, and D Cowboys....people care and are jealous of those teams because they get all the attention because they have all the history....Knowone outside the midwest knows Mizzu has a football team or care about them because they've never had any success.....sorry Mizzu lovers...knowone cares about you....and thats why you hate Nebraska....they have what you want and never will have....have a nice day
All of you Mizzou fans have two inchers. And by the way, I've never been on any of your sites or message boards talking shit. Somebody has been messing with you. The ironic thing is that you come on here to retaliate yet you say that we Nebraska fans have no life. I couldn't give two fucks about your football program that hasn't won anything. Keep thinking that history doesn't matter if you want. I guess that means Boise State is one of the top five programs in the history of college football in your eyes.
Rude awakening coming to you in two days.
Frederick you honestly have never even shaved a girls coochie before?
Wow, have you held a girls hand ever? LOL
Nope, never touched a girl before.
Frederick when is the last time you plowed your wife and what sexual position(s) did you two use?
Man are you corn folk really slow.
No one is saying we are some great powerhouse. We know that. The problem is you think YOU are when you are a washed up has been in reality. Fucking deal with it.
The problem for you guys is your average football team is ALL you have whereas we have tons of teams for rooting interest and things to do. You know like Super bowls and World Series that we have both recently won.
Sorry your state is damn joke. Good luck Thursday night.
Yeah your going to the super bowl this year buddy...so the rams winning it in 1999 is recent....or is it long lost history like you claim Nu's success to be.
P.S The janitor dusted your trophy case today...it only took 5 minutes...no objects to take out or move when dusting...easy!!!
Exactly! Like the last anonymous post said, if you "Show Me State" elitists are going to talk about Super Bowls that were won back in 1999, then apparently history does mean something. Can't have it both ways. Shit, some of you probably beat your chest over the fact that the Chiefs won one of the first Super Bowls and how the Royals were good in the early to mid 80's.
Oh...I don't know why somebody actually cares but I plowed my wife last weekend in a variety of ways.
Fredrick. 1.was your wife shaved bald?
2. You ever get rough with her when screwing her ?
3. Have you ever blown it on her face?
4. You ever get your own jizz on your body or face?
Frederick, should Florida State get one of those plastic steering wheels that they put on those shopping carts in the stores, so the kid sitting in it actually thinks he is driving the cart around? Should they do that for Bobby Bowden, so he thinks he is actually in charge of the team?
Not sure if you Mizzou fans realize this, but there is this amazing thing called cable television. And it has so many stations, that us simple Nebraska folk aren't limited to watching only Husker football. We can watch all sorts of different sports, teams, and leagues, and we're not forced to follow shitty teams like the Rams and Chiefs. Surprised you guys were actually able to figure out how to use internet!
Also, just saw a great feature on ESPN tonight about a sport you Missouri people do called "noodling". Basically, a bunch of Mizzouri white trash guys jump in the river and stick there hands under tree roots and catch catfish with there hands. They just let these catfish chomp down on there arms and they pull them out of the river with blood rushing down there arms. A bunch of these hayseeds have got dragged underwater and drowned too. I'm guessing this is how you Missouri people find your dates too. You just whip your 2 inch dick out there and the first chick to spit out there chewing tobacco and go down on your member gets to go home with you to your trailer.
48 hours til your beatdown!
Excellent point Tick. I love it when tools from states with a high population think that since we're here in Nebraska, the only games we can watch are the Huskers. I have Direct TV thus I have the Sunday Ticket. I can watch any and every NFL game I want. Also, any college team worth a shit is on national televison at least seven or eight times a year. I know quite a bit of people here in Nebraska that aren't Husker fans. They are able to watch whatever teams they want. And that goes for any other league or sport as well. Sorry if you're too naive to figure that out.
Okay, now to my answers...
1. Yes
2. Not really
3. Yes
4. Not on my face
Well Cardinals game is starting up. Don't worry guys you can watch the Lincoln Bay Dawgs or Salt Dawgs or what evr they are called. Oh and according to "Tick" you can watch on TV!!! Dumbest husker corn hole yet. "On tv" who slow down there!
Did Crompton's Dad Get Thrown Out of the Last 2 Games?
I saw a photo posted of Crompton's Dad getting thrown out of a game, with a half dozen police surrounding him where he sits in the north end zone near the locker room. Can anyone confirm if it was the Ohio or Auburn games he was thrown out of or both?
The Cromptons are about as dumb as their son. They are the epitomy of hillbillies. They certainly dished out a huge load of criticism directed at Ainge, but it seems they can't take the heat when their boy is having it directed at him by others. It will get worse instead of better. If I were the Cromptons & had as little self-control as they seem to have, I'd stay home & watch the games on TV. Their son might perform better without them around anyway.
Um, you Mizzou hayseeds realize you don't have to be from the actual city to be a fan of a team right? Hey look, the Cardinals game is on in Lincoln too! Why the fuck would we be watching the Saltdogs? If I wanted to watch inferior baseball, I'd watch the national league.
P.S. Our whole team has the flu and we're still gonna stomp you.
Just try to make sure your thug players don't spit on our players or punch our fans AGAIN ok!!
You guys actually have a small chance since Blaine went down and the weather sucks.
You remember our qb BLAINE right?
Sorry I just put your loser team (Cards) down 2-0!! Not my fault Holliday can't catch lol
You can have Blaine Stabert because we got Lee a much better qb asshole!!!
Gabbert losers! And your loser coach bobby knight part II raving lunatic blames his own players at the half!!!!!!,!!!!
Mizzzzzooooooou !!!!
Black and gold Frederick learn to shut your trap!!!!
Why can't Erin Andrews be wearing a nice white T-shirt? Instead of wearing that black suit. She is obviously for Mizzou.
We have a qb with one leg in a rain storm and you don't stand a chance. We knew you were a joke but not this bad. I feel sorry for you hillbillys
Fauret field is a complete shit hole!! Can't even fix your clock and no lights in the locker room....you know its a hilbilly school when you stack rocks in the end zone so you don't have to build stands
Shut this gay blog down LOSERS
Yeah, Zac Lee is a great quarterback. He couldn't hit shit if he was playing on a field of manure.
As a Husker fan I will say Bo blaming players at the half was inexcusable
We all need to relax neither of us are good
next time show up for the whole game tigggger fans.
What a night to be a fan of Missouri teams....Cards and Tigers and Danario Alexander left crying
looks like it will take less than 5 minutes to dust that trophy case since we got the bell now. suck on it cry to your sister/girlfriend tonight.
Mizzou.....tell me how my ass tastes
poor little mizzu went to the zoo...Fuck you assholes....most cocky fans ever!!!
Has anyone ever seen Blaine Gabbert and Matt Holiday in the same place at the same time? Oh my God! They are they same person. 9th inning or 4th quarter...choke. Also, mizzourah, please send our thanks to the tiggers on being 'ranked' and making us Huskers look even better by beating a 'ranked' team on the road. God knows that you are lucky that any team above .500 can go to a bowl...see ya next year for our 308th consecutive sellout!!!
Mizzou fans - get used to it. That's all I've got to say.
Earthquake in Missouri of everyone jumping off the Tiger and cards bandwagon right now
Okay, two more observations...
First off, Missouri still hasn't scored a td. Gabbert's knee was clearly down before the goal line AND he didn't even have control of the ball.
Secondly, you want one example why comparing the Missouri program to Nebraska's is a joke? Missouri fans are pretty much forced to sit on a pile of rocks behind the end zone to watch the game. LOL
That's it about Missouri until next year. Off to bigger and better things.
We all need to relax neither of us are any good we both know that
congrats LOSERS, you won cause the best player on the FIELD had to play with one leg and when we are in a complete rebuild year while you guys are at your peak. Sucks to be you losers in your shithole state
Uhhh...the best player on the field was the player who hurt your QB. His is name is Suh.
NU at their peak? Don't think so.
News Flash to the last post....Nebraska is also in a rebuilding year. We are replacing Ganz this year with a bad qb because Gabbert decided to go on to your worthless school. Our linebackers are all new, we have a worthless white safety and I don't think I've ever seen #7 Gomes on the field before this game. The only solid thing we had coming into the year was Suh and Helu. And we beat your ass! We played in the same shitty conditions, we made many more mistakes then you, and we didn't even show up for 3 quarters...and we still smoked you. Don't blame anything on a gimpy leg, our whole team was sick all week. We are just better then you right now. Nothing about the past, nothing about the future...we are better then you right now!
we may have Pinkel but as long as you have the social retard and worst recruiter in college football at least we will ahve the 11th best Big 12 coach.
And just think a program as shitty as ours is just as good as yours, the same level pretty much. And it isn't changing. I know it sucks that this is reality.
Fuck You Mizzou!
Let's be realistic, Gabbert is a sophomore. He's a good QB, and has a promising future but obviously not the best player on the field last night. That title belongs to Suh, who is the reason your idiotic fans are blaming the loss on Gabbert's ankle.
The thing I love the most is all the shit talking going on during the game on here...and oh how it turned so quickly. You were lucky to score 9pts, and we tried to give you the game in quarters 1-3. You still couldn't capitalize.
Muck Fizzou
Mizzou...the programs can't be too shitty if they were both ranked. You may feel like yours is shitty because all of the trash talking you did blew up in your face like frederick's cum in his wife's face, but I will not say that our program is shitty. And what is so wrong about Bo. Yeah he looks like shrek, but the guy can coach. He is just blount about things and he doesn't make excuses. He has a bunch of no-name defenders (other then suh) dominating offenses. That sounds like good coaching. The recruiting will come with wins just like in any program. The Huskers are on the rise, we are just doing it with great coaching and not simply because of one good player like Chase Daniel, which is why your program will see a drop off soon.
Buy a Jeter jersey, cross out the "J" and write "CH" over it. Then buy a bunch of fake syringes and stick them into various parts of your body. And carry a big fake bottle that says "STEROIDS" on it, but fill it with Altoids. Then, walk around all night introducing yourself as "Derek Cheater." This is my favorite idea because not only is it funny but Jeter has such a good reputation, and it's so preposterous that he'd ever cheat -- really, he's one of the top-3 picks in any "Which Guy From the '90s and '00s Definitely Didn't Cheat" draft -- that your costume would get a wide range of reactions ranging from "perplexed" to "truly ticked off," and people might even yell at you and stuff. Also, you'll definitely have your choice of romantic suitors because half the guys there will want to have hate sex with the girl brazen enough to wear a "Derek Cheater" costume to a New York Halloween party. Best of luck.
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