mike 94, josh 67....tick 45 craig 83....frederick 25, tyson 55....chris 108, beringer 57....darrin 50, troy 72....bryan 57, kobza 101
QB: Pryor 32.....RB: Best 36.....WR: McCluster 31
- tyson 774 8-0
- troy 687 5-3
- craig 662 6-2
- chris 629 5-3
- mike 611 6-2
- josh 577 3-5
- kobza 543 2-6
- beringer 525 5-3
- frederick 484 5-3
- bryan 479 0-8
- darrin 466 2-6
- tick 420 1-7
Josh is not a virgin he screws farm animals
The Tenga Flip Hole is the ultimate in male masturbation. Now the hottest selling sex toy in Japan, the Flip Hole was designed by an engineer to be both stylish and functional. The interior is incredibly detailed, molded in super-soft silicone to feel great on your member. Simple “flip” open to clean, and you’re done! Quality masturbation has never been this easy.
Fredrick performed beastiality
Nebraska should drop out of the Big 12 and join the Sun Belt conference. They are 3-0 in there. LOSERS.
Tick you munch any box lately??
Fredrick--did you use peanut butter with your family dog? How about a condom?
Fredrick should golf courses be allowed to not have any female members?
All you cum hogs that think I actually perfored beastiality can eat shit. I may be a lot of things and have strong opinions on controversial topics, but I'm not a sick, twisted fuck.
As for the other question, I couldn't give two fucks about golf so I really don't have an opinion either way.
Ok a gym that wants all male members, should they be allowed?
Sure. I guess it's up to the owner. However, I wouldn't want to go to a gym with only guys. Gotta have some eye candy to get through some workouts.
frederick dates Garfield
nice season you losers are having what a big surprise when you have a coach who is retarded. IOWA STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fredrick and mizzourah should fight each other
You lose all rights to talk shit to us anymore fredrick. ALL RIGHTS. Beastiality is totally screwed up dude, I hope you seek help. I don't even care about the games and who wins after hearing your BS about your family pet, FUCKED UP DUDE, FUCKED UP
1. have you ever Intentionally made "animal" noises during sex?
2. Had a pet or domesticated animal walk over you or your partner while you were involved in sex or oral sex?
3. Intentionally made more noise than necessary while having sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation so as to put on a good show for whoever might have been listening in?
4. Been involved in oxygen deprivation for sexual enhancement? (Nitrous oxide does not count.)
5. Swallowed your partner's orgasmic secretions?
6. Used drugs to lower someone else's inhibitions for the purpose of sex or oral sex?
7. Had sex while under the influence of Ecstasy/X?
no animals will be harmed when viewing these photos.
Palik so does that website get tysons winnings since he asked them to draft his team?
drafted my own team thanks thou....and if that was the case the previous 3 winners should give there winnings to the site as well
I check Insider like every hour on my phone...whats the big deal
Tyson everyone knows your the posting as Palik. He is probably the only one here drafting his own team. Now nfl the guy is clueless.
No...he lives on insider like all of us. I will give winnings if any to insider as long as previous champs do the same. Its funny...I prepare dinner this year with the same cooking oil as everyone else for a change and now people have a problem with going on insider...sorry I had to geek up and look at websites like you all instead of throwing a dart at a dart board like in the past
There is a website designated for College Fantasy Football? No Shit?...what is it?
p.s. I owe Tebow part of my winnings 2yrs ago, not the f-in website
Suh out drinking at 2 a.m. And hits three parked cars. We all no Pelini will do nothing to him as he has zero class. Pinkel suspended Ziggy for his altercation just so you know.
Wonder where anonymous post boy Josh Mai is this weekend.....All the A plus preping he did before the draft results in a C minus product on the field.....From now on pounding your little squad into the dirt is my main goal....every year when you wake you will see Montario Hardesty's Black and Orange Halloween jersey running your ass over....yeah thats the guy knowone thought ( including websites) would start or even play much...I molded him into greatness
Joshs' team is a joke as always
KC Star puts to shame your loser coach for his
ZERO TOLERANCE policy he issued last year. Now your
Star player gets a pass!!! What a lying POS you have
For a coach!!!
Your coach would'nt bench the best defensive player in the nation either would he??? Your team probably has no good players so youu can't answer that. Urban Meyer slapped Spikes on the rist as well.....so's hes a piece of garbage to?
Meyer suspended Spikes for the 1st half, and he only tried to gouge out someone's eyes. Obviously you never played football because you don't know what goes on underneath those piles. Suh is out at 2:30 in the morning playing bumper cars. And Bo does nothing. You tried to kick me in the fellas. Dirty pool, my friend. Dirty pool. And I am sure Suh's mom can afford a Land Rover. By the way, where is his dad?
I'm sure you were a stud of a player.....
so who's your coach??? You probably won't give an honest answer because he's probably done the same in the past or plays guys that can't even read.
where is any black guys dad at ever? lol
Sour grapes...Suh fucked up your QB and your still bitter
in jail
At least our coach doesn't have down syndrome
And at least were not a volleyball school
Basketball starts soon but you don't field a team LOL
Frederick, I don't think I am even going to debate with you any more. Animals? Dogs dude? Your family pet?? You are one messed up S.O.B. that is certain. Oh my God man.
Go Tigers.
He blew a .035, the legal limit is .08 - well below the legal limit. I think he is 22yrs old - I don't know what the legal drinking age is in Missouri but here it is 21. He had no business being out at 2:30, and Pelini is handling it in-house. He didn't try to gouge someones eyes out.
Missouri fans are fags, and imbreds. Why would beastiality bother you at all? It's practically a religion for you down there in Missouri. I've never seen a such a bunch of dysfunctional group of fans.
Anyone know if Team Rabel is still dating?
Your 7th grade PE teacher of a head coach flat out said zero tolerance for alcohol in season this summer. He lied as now funny that rule does not apply to Suh the guy who spits on opposing qbs faces. Is this to hard to follow too?
Suh didn't crash b/c he was drunk. Zero tolenerce for alcohol related problems. Suh was texting your mom MizzRah cause he wanted an to stick it to something. He then crashed his car. The cops just tested him to make sure and it was not something he even got ticketed for. Pull your head out of your dogs ass.
Starting shit is fun. LMAO LOL
Didn't Tyson e-mail them and ask for help with this? If that is true hell yes he should get nothing.
"7th grade PE teacher of a head coach"
So funny and yet SO TRUE
Well...our 7th grade PE teacher essentially held your mighty, powerful offense led by future NFL hall of famer Blaine Gabbert scoreless. What does that say about your boy Pinkel?...only reason this guy still has a job is 3 reasons: Chase Daniel, Jeremy Maclin & Chase Coffman.
Josh Mai....if you believing that someone else drafted my team makes you feel better about me stomping your waste of ejaculation team into the ground then do it. P.S Yeah a website told me to take 2 Running Backs that were not supposed to start.....and plus my team was preseason'ed ranked garbage...12th by the league
josh is a VIRGIN
Josh blows at fantasy but thinks he is a fantasy no it all!
Frederick your family pet!!!????!!??
YOU ARE WEIRD DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways how the Big Red going to do tomorrow night?
You idiots actually think you stopped our offense when in reality it was the hurricane.
Nebraska losing to Iowa st LOL the team that beat Mizzou LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
Mizzu's empty trophy case will live on forever
The only thing that will live on forever is your empty pants.
Nearly a month gone by and Mizzou finally wins a game and Mizzou losers finally make there way back to our blog....where were they when they were getting there asses handed to them for 3 weeks??
tyson you drafted bench warmers who are only playing cause other players got hurt.
And if you truly were emailing websites asking questions you are a joke.
I keep seeing this but did he really email websites asking for help? No way he actually did right?
Yes, we lost to Iowa St. We turned the ball over 8 times. Meanwhile, Mizzou gave up 42pts to Baylor and lost. Bottom of the Big Xii North right now (along with Kansas) if I'm not mistaken. The Big Xii North is TERRIBLE the way it is - and you are at the bottom.
Stop talking, keep you wishful thoughts to yourself and go bang your sister.
If Tyson was really e-mailing websites asking them questions, that is really SAD. And that is where his winnings should go.
Notre Dame is so good!
"Charlie Weis is God."
Craig Palik
I posted one question on insider about Montario Hardesty AFTER I drafted him....and it stated how I thought Bryce Brown would be a wingman to Hardesty this year...wanted to see what they thought....hmmmm.....guess I nailed that observation did I not?? Tick and Palik seen it posted on there as well so ask them if you need proof...thats it...so for example Josh Mai if it really makes you feel better to throw knives I guess keep throwing them...your call. At least put your name on your posts Mr. Mai...its embarressing really...don't hide behind your 350pound Asian frame....all i ask
and Palik...i know reality is settling in on the fact that your probably not winning your little fantasy league this year....at least put your name when posting comments about websites drafting my team.....your trying to build a little cult of believers to think my championship "if it indeed happens" is cheap.
Man Tyson you really need to let it go man. Jesus.
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My first glimpses of the naked female body were when I furtively downloaded porn in the den off Compuserve at about age 13-14. They were all your bigger-boobed models, for whatever reason. I was infatuated. I must have jacked off 9 times the first day I began to download them.
Then I saw Petra.
I remember the first day I managed to print out a couple Petra pics (on a dot matrix, with my Dad in the other room), I masturbated my dick raw. It hurt for several days, I kid you not
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