Troy 264: Tyrod Helu Ingram Floyd week Vereen
Craig 189: Jimmy Thomas Williams Tate week Bradford
Mike 165: Barkley Dwyer Reed week L.James J.Rodgers
***Tyson has 7 as he started 5 last week for the double game last week rule

Josh is a virgin
Before you get into the shower, use a beard trimmer or a pair of scissors to shorten the length of your pubic hair. How long you leave your bush is up to you. You might only trim it slightly your first time and go for more of a "shag carpet" your first time and then work your way down to "golf course style grass".
Step 2Shower. Use an exfoliating, anti-bacterial body wash and thoroughly clean your groin area in a warm shower. Wait until about half way through your shower once your skin has soften up a bit before you start shaving.
As a woman I cannot stand completely bare. It makes me feel like a child! That's just weird. I have to trim around the bikini area for aesthetic reasons, and I keep things neatly trimmed otherwise, but I just cannot stand the feeling of being completely bare - I don't see how other women do it. Not to mention what a huge giant pain in the behind it is to shave there - you have to be a contortionist! For me I will always stick with my traditional bush and I am not changing for american society!
Yessss!!! Oatmeal!!! I just blew my nut all over my monitor. That really hit the spot!
You rock Barb B. Way to keep it real. All bush, all day.
ESPN has had camera trucks on Note Lame campus for 4 days WHY??? Irrelevant losers!
Weis is Jesus
My cum is literally all over my computer screen right now. That Oatmeal pushed me over the edge, I feel sorry for my sore cock right now.
Kobza, you joke about getting your spunk on your computer but that has actually happened to me before. Just sitting at our computer desk watching some porn a few times and I blew it up onto the desk and keyboard. Had to be sure and clean that up before the wife seen it! :)
Frederick, how do you clean the cum off of your keyboard? I always have this problem. My keys get so sticky that they won't even work anymore. I am constantly having to buying new keyboards.
anyone hear Colin Cowherd today saying Texas beats us by 21+? And they are going to roll us??? The guy has always hated us!! Wait until we shock the world!!!!!!!!!!!
DEAD ON the previous comment. The media has always hated us. Wait until tomorrow when we give Texas a game!!!
I'm thinking about cleaning it up tonight, going bald or maybe a design in m bush. Any suggestions?
you should get a Starbury logo Shaved into your bush
I could not agree more with you guys, the national media has NEVER given us the respect we deserve and they never will.
Texas are the pussies who had to change the rules from the big 8 too just so they could win.
I want marlon lucky and brandon kinnie next year.
Josh Mao
ARLINGTON — Helmets crashed into metal doors. Obscenities were flying, most directed at an officiating crew that was hurriedly escorted off the field at Cowboys Stadium and through a tunnel that also led to Nebraska's locker room.
And after a surreal final sequence Saturday night that turned an apparent Cornhuskers upset in the Big 12 Championship Game into a heart-wrenching 13-12 loss to Texas, there were plenty of questions that needed to be answered.
An enraged Bo Pelini demanded justice.
“I want to see Walt Anderson right now!” the Nebraska coach screamed to no one in particular, referring to the Big 12's coordinator of football officials.
BCS-inspired mess?
Then his brother, Nebraska defensive coordinator Carl Pelini, chimed in.
“It's the same footsteps with the trophy,” he said. “They ought to be ashamed to accept that trophy.”
He fell silent but then resumed his rant.
“That's what this conference is about,” he added. “The (expletive) BCS.”
I cant sleep after this loss, this really sucks! And this wont help us out. Damn it.
Carl Pelini marched off the field, advanced a few steps into the dark tunnel. Then he turned back toward the euphoric Texas celebration at midfield.
His emotions burst.
“You should be ashamed to accept that trophy!” the NU defensive coordinator yelled at nearby Texas plyers.
“You outta be ashamed to accept that trophy!” he screamed again, then again.
Seconds later, his younger brother erupted, too.
Bo Pelini had played it cool walking off the field, telling Texas coaches to go win a national title.
But he heard about a conflict at the threshold of the tunnel. Seemed a Texas fan and somebody from NU had exchanged words.
Bo marched toward the scene. Who was it? Bo wanted to engage the Texas fan.
Told nothing happened, he went back toward the locker room, where he saw Marc Boehm, NU assistant athletic director.
“Marc, I want to see (Big 12 head of officiating) Walt Anderson in there right (expletive) now!” Pelini shouted.
“BCS!” Pelini said as he entered the locker room. “That's why they make that call!”
Nebraska lost another heartbreaker to Texas Saturday. You saw it. Felt it. What you didn't feel were the post-game aftershocks reverberating through the concrete tunnels of Cowboys Stadium.
It hit hardest the Pelinis, who nearly orchestrated a monumental upset.
The reason why they didn't, according to Bo's and Carl's immediate reactions, was the officials' decision to add one second to the game clock after Colt McCoy's last throw out of bounds.
Originally, the clock expired, sending a flood of Nebraska players onto the field. But a review changed that call, led to Texas' game-winning kick and sent the Pelinis into madness.
According to Dan Beebe, Big 12 commissioner, officials did the right thing.
According to Walt Anderson, officials did the right thing. Where was the clock when the ball hit something out of bounds?
“There was a second left,” Anderson said.
But nothing or nobody could convince Bo Pelini.
“I want an explanation!” Pelini yelled outside his locker room.
Standing in that tunnel quietly watching him: Harvey Perlman, Paul Meyers, Eric Crouch.
“Get Coach Osborne down here!” Pelini said. “Can you go get Coach Osborne?”
Minutes later, Athletic Director Tom Osborne walked slowly toward the locker room in black trench coat. He entered the double doors to meet Pelini.
From outside the doors, one word could be heard loudest: “Cheaters!”
Then Osborne strode back to the field, where Texas was wrapping up its trophy presentation. En route to midfield, Osborne said to a World-Herald reporter: “Where is Dan Beebe?''
Beebe was standing at the 40-yard line talking to Assistant Commissioner Ed Stewart, a former Nebraska All-America linebacker.
As Osborne reached Beebe, the commissioner extended his hand. But Osborne didn't shake it. Osborne pointed at Beebe and said, “Would you go see Bo? Right now?''
By then, Nebraska Chancellor Harvey Perlman had come on to the field. Perlman and Osborne walked with Beebe off the field and down a stadium tunnel.
The three exchanged no words on the walk. Down the tunnel, Osborne walked three steps in front of Beebe and Perlman walked to Beebe's right.
As Osborne walked, The World-Herald asked if Nebraska would appeal any part of the game. His answer: “I don't know.''
Beebe went immediately to the post-game press conference and waited for Pelini.
Pelini lightened up a bit during the question-and-answer session. He even cracked a joke. But when he left, Osborne called to him.
“Bo! Bo! Dan Beebe's here.”
Beebe suggested he and Pelini talk in private. They walked into a quiet area near some shiny SUVs, 100 feet from anyone else. Yet Bo and the occasional curse word could still be heard.
Osborne watched the meeting with Pelini's brother, Vince.
Time ran out, Vince told him. They took it from us, Vince said.
Slow down guys we don't even know if this stuff happened for sure.
Both football (with debilitating concussions leading to more serious brain injuries) and dog fighting (dogs being eaten alive by another dog or tortured and killed by the dog’s owner) are similar in that they almost guarantee the destruction of the participant on some level(research now proves the brain damage to players is very life altering). Why should society condone football that involves human beings when it prohibits dog fighting?
Fredricks wife has a huge bush
Please check out my page on FuckBook.
I'm sure you've heard of FaceBook....where they have all those rules about not allowing indecent pics and videos and MySpace...well I invite you to do whatever you want to my bush on FuckBook.
Hope to see you soon.
I just 5 huge streams of my cum on barbs bush
All I want for Christmas this year is some Oatmeal pictures of Barb's bush. I would also like to say I have been very good this year.
Frederick if you could suck your own dick would you?
I know I will catch a ton of shit for this but I can't. And don't try me that you guys have never tried it either. Now don't get me wrong I have not tried for a good 10 years or so but when I was in high school I tried quite a few times. Curiosity was definitely running wild. I would pin myself against my bedroom wall up-side-down and try like hell but could never actually "suck" on it. I could lick the tip and that was it. Pretty pointless but back then it was sort of cool. And you fucks can laugh all you want, it does bother me. I am a straight shooter whether it be sex, religion, politics, etc.
But to answer the question IF I could you damn straight I would do it. :)
Looks like Mizzou embarressed the Big 12 again as usual
Frederick - wtf? You can't suck your own dick? Are you gay?
Wow great win by the SKERS. Momentum will be huge for next year. Bank on it, top 5 with a shot for going undefeated.
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