Tyson and Josh discussing college football
week 10 results....frederick 39...bryan 53....darrin 59...beringer 32...craig 111...josh 101...tick 81...kobza 54....troy 89....tyson 129....chris 49....mike 87
- tyson 1016
- craig 858
- troy 837
- mike 813
- chris 781
- josh 750
- kobza 677
- bryan 613
- beringer 612
- tick 582
- darrin 562
- frederick 545
Josh and Tyson are virgins
Palik what are you going to do when the hottest coach in the land Brian Kelly says NO THANKS to your poor Irish??
1. have you ever Intentionally made "animal" noises during sex?
2. Had a pet or domesticated animal walk over you or your partner while you were involved in sex or oral sex?
3. Intentionally made more noise than necessary while having sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation so as to put on a good show for whoever might have been listening in?
4. Been involved in oxygen deprivation for sexual enhancement? (Nitrous oxide does not count.)
5. Swallowed your partner's orgasmic secretions?
6. Used drugs to lower someone else's inhibitions for the purpose of sex or oral sex?
7. Had sex while under the influence of Ecstasy/X?
1. No
2. No
3. Yes. I guess there have probably been a few times at a hotel I've tried make a little more noise whether it be by moaning or knocking the bed up against the wall a little harder just to piss off the people in the next room or below. = )
4. No
5. Yes. I love some female "juice" in my mouth.
6. No
7. No
Boy, my team hung in there for half the season but just ran out of gas. I know that pretty much everybody was hurt by injuries but nothing like getting ONE total point out of your top two picks.
1-who is the best announcer in sports?
2-worst announcer?
3-your favorite media member?
4-most overrated media member or someone you hate?
5-most overrated college coach?
Hasn't been any Oatmeal for a long time. I guess that will have to do.
What website did Tyson have set his lineup this week
Notre Dame!
Bye bye Weiss
ND should just get used to the fact that they will never return to a BCS game untill they join Big 11 or Big yEAST. That will be the only way they will make a return to lose to Pac 10 teams not named USC. ND get over yourself. Charlie which player are you going to eat this week to get 100 lbs fatter. Oh don't worry Husker fan can't dog on you much since you took out our rival. KU sucks looking forward to them losing their last seven.
Nice to see I am being imitated by you losers again.
I would fuck myself if I could since I'm in love with myself so much. KU still sucks and ND should quit football
In answer to 7. One time I was staying in Kansas City, so I decided to go to Club Body Tap. I met this girl there and I took her back to my hotel room. We did a lot of crunk and I must have banged her about 5 times. What do you think of that Mizzourah??? Bumping one of your hoes in your own backyard.
palik how bad do you hate Weis??
Frederick I wouldn't be talking shit man you are the one who screwed around with your god damn family dog. Sick twisted dude you are.
Palik likes boys.
Why do you think Craig is so fond of little O (Oscar)? The guy would give his left nut to save Oscar's life. He has repeatedly given Oscar his left nut already.
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