Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week 7 Standings

High score of the week, Frederick 94


Tick 93, Kobza 56....Frederick 94, Chris 58....Mike 62, Beringer 73
Craig 66, Josh 55....Darrin 48, Bryan 62....Tyson 55, Troy 68


  1. Mike 612 4-3
  2. Bryan 608 6-1
  3. Kobza 594 3-4
  4. Craig 585 4-3
  5. Beringer 554 5-2
  6. Frederick 548 4-3
  7. Tick 503 4-3
  8. Josh 473 3-4
  9. Chris 471 2-5
  10. Tyson 454 2-5
  11. Troy 419 2-5
  12. Darrin 375 3-4
Week highs: QB--Bradford 35....RB--Sharp 30....WR--M.Johnson 26

Oh noooo Bryan

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