Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another that "guy"

was spotted tonight at the Poison concert. One might simply call him a douche. We will call him "wears cutoff flanels with a bandana to concerts" guy. I figured it was a given a take a picture of him and post it up. As a matter of fact this may become a staple of the site. Anyways back to this guy below. I am guessing he had about 37 Old Milwaukee's Best cause this dude was out of control. Oh and on a side note Tick said there is a 90% chance he works at Kawasaki.


Anonymous said...

You forgot that he was also "Tribal band arm tattoo guy". He also tried to get his girlfriend to give him head during the concert, as well as trying to give her a shocker.

Anonymous said...

editors note*

Tick is not joking about the head/shocker part. The dude was fucking DRUNK

Anonymous said...

whoa, this dude got a bj at the concert? In front of people?