Off work this morning for a couple hours while our slater gets fixed so I figured
you all could use a pick me up.
But first some required wathcing, upset with fumbling problems in practice the defense is now
encouraged to actively taunt a RB who fumbles. Read about this for a while and now there is
video, 2:10 mark you can see it.
Also you guys can see Elkhorn native Trevor Robinson on this play, you might remember him.

10. Tyson - Arian Foster saves Tyson from having the last place team. Took Juice and McGee WAY too high, and Benn is a stud, but might struggle with inconsistent QB play. If you're going to pick a bunch of guys from one team, Illinois is not the answer. Desperately needs another receiver to step up with the loss of Ingram and his Texas RBs are going to split carries. Would be best served playing Crompton every week.

There's still about a week to 10 days before a decision needs to be made as earnest preparations begin for the Aug. 30 opener against Michigan State.
But folks who've watched more than a handful of practices -- when pushed to make a call -- suspect it will be Longshore.

The Cornhuskers will be playing Florida Atlantic, Louisiana-Lafayette and Arkansas State next season, and Western Kentucky, Idaho and Football Championship Subdivision power South Dakota State in 2010.

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