Remember that post about Tick getting kicked off the softball team? Well the captain off the team kicked him off and then today sent him the following message on myspace.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------go ahead & get ur team, have fun...do ur thing. I don't hold anything against you, I just don't particularly care 4 u...nothing personal, we're just not the same type of ppl. And as far as being the worst player...I actually think ur whole new team will b able 2 take u 2 new lows. I'll repeat my earlier comment 2 u, I didn't make this decision myself. U can count the other 1/2 of the team 4 making that call. I had 4 ppl tell me they wouldn't play if we didn't have backup 4 u, again, the last player 2 pay. I actually battled w/ ppl 2 have u on the field tonight, not an easy decision. I wrote out the roster, but wasn't my sole decision. Hate me, I could care less, just realize that I wasn't the only 1 that didn't care 4 u on the team, I was delivering the collective message. I'll take full responsibility though, it's really kinda fun 2 hear the last 2 months worth of comments from everyone else replaying.Either way, I don't care what u do, who u tell, the shit u talk, u don't matter 2 me. What is truly the most fun is how u immediately ran 2 Mike 2 fight ur battles...funny even now. I guess those that play 2 win r those that I play with 3 other nights a week...oh & we took 1st place in r other 2 leagues...oh gosh, I 4got, I play 2nd on those teams 2...no problems there either & we have outfielders that can both field & hit...shocking 4 u I'm sure. Go on with whatever u do.
ps-we will STOMP your ass next year in the league you fucking asshole!
tick is obsesssed! lol
Oh my...I think I'm in love. Please give me the girl's phone number. It's fate.
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