(Disclaimer: maybe I am just a complete douche bag but I got goose bumps on my arms wathcing these. *Note: I am not joking at all) (part II, I have often seen top 10 list with Wisconsin as the top party school and for must see venues for games and now I will never doubt said lists)
If these don't get you ready for CFB nothing will. Major props to the Wisconsin Badgers and their fans here. Jesus H. Christ this would be a good time! These are 5 more reasons (of about 15,107) of why college football blows the NFL away. NFL = nap time.
Note to Notre Dame, PLEASE schedule a home and home with the Badgers!
"eat shit, fuck you": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEnq_5j_vNk&feature=related
Buttercup: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mP6Y8kXp7I
"Lets get wasted": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISDZGwhnnAs&feature=related
Sweet Caroline: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZTAyFletr4&feature=related
After watching these Aaron Frederick is thinking "fuck I spend 5 grand a year on Husker season tickets to see lame boring games and these fuckers are having the times of their lives."
I must say watching these makes me too want to go to a game there
Yeah because that Iowa - Wisc game was so exciting. I actually watched some of that edge of your seat thriller. I could care less if I went to a game and everybody was jumping around for a couple of minutes. Comparing Wisconsin's accomplishments and tradition to Nebraska's is laughable. What, they've won a couple of Rose Bowls? Good for them.
1. First thing, you guys run a college fantasy football league? First I have ever seen.
2. Frederick or whoever you are. Let me address your comments. As a former native, Omaha Gross graduate, and having attended Wisconsin for 2+ years they certainly hit home. I have been to probably 15 Husker games in my time and about 10 Wisconsin games. Trust me when I say this, they do not even compare. Not at all, not in a million years. NU games consist of a pretty boring/dull atmosphere and environment whereas a Badger game is the exact opposite. I urge you to make the trip to Madison to check out a game sometime and if at all possible make it a night game. You will not be disappointed and that is a promise.
Oh and why did you even bring up your great tradition and how ours does not even compare. The topic had nothing to do with it at all. Congrats on it though cause right now you sure as hell don't want to talk about the present state.
Thanks for a good laugh frederick. little upset the Badgers are actually good your team is worthless I see.
My point was it's Wisconsin, who cares? I've been to Beaver Stadium in State College, PA and what I saw of the Wisconsin game was nothing compared to that. Like I care what any of you cheese heads think. I've watched many a Wisconsin game and they are not exciting to watch. The atmosphere may be fun but football wise I'll go with the Huskers. Go pout over Brett Favre and enjoy your shitty and overrated conference. Thanks.
hey Fred. Your team is shit and it seems you are having a hard time with that. I imagine so since it is all you farmers have to live for in that sewer you call a state.
And as for Favre, yes sure sucks having NFL, NBA, MLB teams. Enjoy your one team, which sucks cock if you ahve not noticed.
why do you bring Favre into this? I would mention someone or something you guys have there but there is NOTHING to bring up.
Oh wait how is your corn yield looking this year? Hve you put the tractors back in the barn for the year yet?
Favre is a hall of famer douche
Typical naive posts. You're right guys, there's nothing but fields and corn here. That would be the equivalent of me saying the whole state of Wisconsin is a dairy farm.
You're the douchebags. This site is basically for a handful of us who use it for our college fantasy league. Apparently you have no life if you're coming here to talk shit about Nebraska and their football team. I could care less what you losers think. Enjoy your typical three to four loss Badger football team and Aaron Rodgers.
I once jerked off to a wheel of cheese!
I'm a Wisconsin native and am stationed in the Omaha area. This state sucks! And the I've been here for 13 years so I was around when the Huskers were good but even though they suck now, there fans have always been douchbags. Remember the series between Bucky and Herbie is 1-1. Looking forward to future matchups.
"Remember the series between Bucky and Herbie is 1-1."
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