Also you can read me and Kobza's e-mail exchange below from this morning that cracked me up and that inspired this post. You will have to read the e-mail from the bottom up to follow along. And thank you Kobza for the funniest e-mail one liner ever.

You could fit a small puppy in there. I loved it!!
You could fit a small puppy in there. I loved it!!
----- Original Message ----From: Craig Palik
they had that huge pocket in the front, I stored my underwear in that
From: Aaron Kobza [] Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:11 AMTo: Craig PalikSubject: Re:
They need to bring those back!! I would by 25 of those if they came back!!
----- Original Message ----From: Craig Palik
starter jackets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man those were the best. I loved my Bulls starter jacket.
From: Aaron Kobza [] Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:10 AMTo: Craig PalikSubject: Re:
No fear shirt and wallets!!
Not as good as my Jaguars Starter Jacket
----- Original Message ----From: Craig Palik
never heard of him but he is yours.
I heard you wear No Fear shirts all the time.
From: Aaron Kobza [] Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 9:51 AMTo: Craig PalikSubject: Re:
How about Kyle Hudson WR IL
----- Original Message ----From: Craig Palik
Your pick
I had a Braves and Cowboy's Starter coat. I wore those son of a bitches until they were ripped up they couldn't be worn.
All I can say is nothing because your blog is not interesting to read.
I had a Huskers and a Charlotte Hornets Starter pullover. Don't ask me why I had a Hornets one. To this day I don't know why. I just liked the looks of it I guess.
mark me down for a Bulls and Notre Dame one. Also had a Michigan one but not the one with the huge front pocket.
I had two different Cowboys jackets. My first one (blue) got stolen at an Aquinas basketball game against GICC, and if I ever find the guy who took it, he will have a knife in his neck. Then I got a sweet black and blue one that I wore until my freshman year of college when it finally got too small.
We still have no idea why Kobza had a Jaguars coat. He became "guy who likes teams because they have cool colors" guy.
"My first one (blue) got stolen at an Aquinas basketball game against GICC"
All eyes in the room shift to Troy...
I had a Nebraska one, and there is something with AQUINAS games WOW My sister took my BULLS one to an AQUINAS B Ball game and it never Came BACK ;(
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