Friday, September 5, 2008

What if?

The following question was asked to me yesterday; What would you do if Notre Dame lost on Saturday?
Um, interesting. I don't I know. Have you ever heard of the "Great Chicago Fire". I believe it happened in the 1870's sometime. If Notre Dame loses to freaking San Diego State just think of that but replace the word "Chicago" with "Lincoln". Seriously though if the game is even in doubt in the 4th quarter it will be a very bad sign for the rest of the year. Very bad.

I'm gonna predict ND runs the ball about 45+ times and wins by 24-28.


Anonymous said...

so what is prediction on the year? I see a ton of outlets saying 10-2 and even one saying 11-1.

Anonymous said...

weis is afat slob


Anonymous said...

I think they are on meth for those predictions. Way to young of a team still, 7-5 or 8-4 is more likely.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to add the option "Too lazy to vote/don't care" to the latest poll. Maybe if I could vote in elections as easy as I can vote on these polls I would do it.

Anonymous said...

I actually almost but I wanted to forve people to choose one to raise the chances of people getting in a fight over something here.