These are actual e-mails from Aaron Frederick. Word for word. You be the judge...
"For the record, I'm not afraid of technology. I just think texting is A) retarded and B) for girls. Nothing against e-mailing. That's all.....well, not yet---I also think Twitter, camera phones, GPS, and iPods are stupid too. Shoot me. I don't care. I'm a simple man. Give me a book and/or a compact disc and I'm pretty much a happy guy. "
#2 on iPods
"I've never owned one. Never wanted to. Never will. Ang has one and I think it's okay for when you're working out or something but that's about it. Just another fad. When I'm old I'll always have my albums----and I'll be able to pass them on to my boys. All the music you download on an iPod just inevitably goes away with nothing to show for it down the road."
Do not believe he typed those. No one under the age of 80 thinks that way.
Josh Mai is a virgin
A fad? Yeah ooooo kkkkk
No, I actually did type those. I'm 30 and I stand by every word. That's how I feel. Don't care what anybody thinks.
I also forgot to mention that if you're in your 20's and you spend more than an hour or so a month playing video games, you're a loser. And I don't want to hear from somebody saying that playing a "Wii fit" (or whatever the fuck they are called) is good exercise. I've heard people say that and I want to laugh in their faces. Don't get me wrong, when I was young my brother and sister had an Intellivision to which we then upgraded to a Nintendo, then a Sega Genesis, and finally right around the time I graduated from high school I bought the original Playstation. So I've got nothing against video games for kids or teenagers (even though I'll tell you right now my boys won't be spending much time, if any, playing them). But if you're older than say 22 or 23 (and that's lenient)and you can't wait to get home and play your new video game, I have one word for you - L-O-S-E-R. Go read a fucking book or do something productive.
How did you even post this on here Frederick? I didn't know typewriters could post online now. Or is the internet just another fad as well?
Also, I spend about 5 hours a week playing video games. It's just as pointless and lazy as watching tv or surfing the internet for the same amount of time. I'm sure if I was married or had any kids my time playing video games would decrease significantly. And I don't think I've been really excited to go home and play a video game since middle school.
Tick - Fair enough. I probably went a little extreme. However, tell me there aren't guys (and some ladies probably) that go home and play video games for four or five hours every day. I know there are because I work with some. It's just my opinion, but that is sad. I wasn't directing my rant at anybody in particular who frequents our site. Just in general.
And if you read the first comment of mine that Craig posted you'll see that I have no problem with e-mail, or the Internet obviously. I use them every day. However, this society that we currently live in that can't go fifteen minutes without checking e-mail on their Blackberry, texting to their "BFF", or downloading the next piece of crap song---that has a shelf life of about three weeks until the next horrid piece of shit song is the next big thing---on their iPod, completely baffles me and I won't succumb to it. Makes you wonder how civilization made it for centuries without any of that crap. As a parent I'm honestly concerned that my boys are going to grow up being pansies because technology is going to allow them to be lazy pieces of shit and do nothing manually. I'm going to do my best to guard against it though.
If Fredrick has honestly never shaved a girl before I am sorry but that is just sad and pitiful.
Big Fred
To sum everything up -
There have been amazing inventions over the past 20+ years that have made life better. No doubt. My thing is, when is enough, enough? I don't need to know when TJ Ford takes a dump.
Great inventions that they could've just said "we're good, that's enough" -
Internet - one of the best inventions in history.
Cell Phones - can't imagine not having one.
Compact Discs/DVD's/Blu-Ray - what else do we need?
Digital cameras - once again, can't imagine not having one.
HD Plasma/LCD tv's - I'm guilty. I'm a HD snob.
That's it. I'm good with those. Don't need anything else besides what we've had for decades.
No iPod?? What kind of walkman do you have? Lol
Please explain how the hell iPods are a "fad"?
Please do.
Big Fred is a virgin
Fredrick drives a Model T to work and takes dumps in his outhouse
Two reasons iPods are a fad -
I have friends, co-workers, and a spouse who own iPods. When they first got them a year or so ago they were "gung ho" about them. Brought them to work every day, seemingly had their headphones in their ears constantly. Then as time went by this funny thing happened--- I saw less and less of the damn things. Now I can honestly say I haven't seen an iPod at work in at least six months. No shit. One more example -When my wife and I got a new membership at a gym in April she brought her iPod to workout with every time we went. Now as I think about it, she has not brought the damn thing with her for at least a month.
Secondly, in a year or two there will inevitably be a newer, better product that the masses will run out and buy. It'll probably be called a jPod and you'll go spend your money on that until the kPod comes out and you'll run out and buy that too.
Tell me I'm wrong.
No, I drive a '89 Honda Civic and I've saved thousands over the years by A) not having a car payment B) cheap insurance and registration and C) great gas mileage.
And the best thing is I don't give a fuck about what it looks like so I don't have to worry about some asshole who will inevitably slam his door into your car in a parking lot, grocery carts that run rampant, or hail storms.
Go ahead, knock me all you want.
over 100 million iPods have been sold.
Sales have still been steady fir years.
And to top it all off iPods are already almost 10 years old
Someone has a very strange definition of "fad". Who is this guy?
I bet 100 million pairs of "Crocs" footwear have been sold too.
I picture this guy walking out to his car with a huge leather case full of hundreds of cds like it is 1999. What a loser.
iPods are a fad? LMAO, what a moron.
Is this guy amish??
No, actually all of my cd's are at my house in their cases, alphabetized. I never was one to just throw all of my discs into a case so they can get scratched up and/or stolen. I just grab a few cd's every couple of days and listen to them in my car.
You all can call me a loser all you want. Doesn't bother me. I'm not Amish either. I am an Athiest however. So you fuck sticks can start talking shit about that now if you want. I'll just shrug it off like always.
If Frederick is living in the 80's. Why does he shave his junk?
Yeah, I do know some guys that go home and play video games for hours on end. Lets just say their social skills are a little subpar.
Totally agree with you about the car. Once I get done paying off my car, I'm driving that thing til the day it dies.
Seriously though, get yourself an ipod. You have every single one of your songs with you at all times. Plus, you can download endless podcasts, which is what I normally use mine for.
I doubt he knows what a podcast is.
Fine by me if Fred wants to do what he does. It is his call.
But if you or anyone hates or thinks iPods are a fad trust me you are afraid of technology guy.
Frederick I bet you still get Sports Illustrated and a newspaper?
Tick - Believe me, my wife and friends tell me all the time I need to get one for the exact reason you said--I can download all of my albums and songs (which not coincidentally they did with MY albums). But for whatever reason, I've never been interested in doing so. I know this sounds crazy but I feel it would take something away from the whole "experience". I have over 500albums and the best part about it is the fact I can pull out a disc that I literally haven't listened to in over ten years (I know that I have some that probably haven't been listened to since I was in high school over 13 years ago). You see, I don't want access to every song or album at the push of a button. For me it would ruin "it".
I know I'm going to catch grief for that. Oh well.
And I'm not 100% sure what a podcast is but I think it's basically just like recording a radio show such as Unsportsmanlike Conduct and then listening to it later? If that's the case, I'll admit, that'd be cool.
Okay what else...
No, I don't subscribe to Sports Illustrated. I never really have cared for it. I do--and have for years--subscribe to Sporting News and Rolling Stone. Those are must haves for me.
And no I don't get the paper but I do read it pretty much daily at work. Come football season though I usually get up on Sunday morning and go buy one (OWH) for some good Husker post-game...well, if it's after a Husker win. If they get spanked I try to stay away.
I bet Frederick wears hemp bracelets, plays frisbee and has Phish cd's
Fredrick masturbates 90 times a year
Frederick just got a VCR last week
1. Have u ever screwed a girl?
2. Have you this year?
3. You masturbate often?
yes to all three
Tick, where specifically do you jerk off at in your apt?
You use condoms when you screw?
Frederick my man, you really do not own an iPod? What is your outlook on the Big Red this year? Anyway you guys sure are entertaining!
Josh is a virgin
No, I honestly don't own an iPod. My wife does. But I won't play ball.
I think the Big Red will win nine games, win the Big 12 North, and go to a bowl game and get a W. So I see something like a 10-4 year. Hopefully I'm wrong and they do better.
We're all here to entertain you and only you Max. Hope all is well. Make sure you stop by in a month or so from now once the season begins. I'm sure we'll actually have some meaningful football takes.
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