Thursday, September 10, 2009

Afternoon Oatmeal/Thurs players

Players in tonight Spiller, J.Harper, Dwyer and D. Thomas


Tom Brokaw said...

Josh Mai has never had intercourse

Anonymous said...

fredrick I hope you are joking about being an athiest. I will pray for you, you need it if that is true

Anonymous said...

The hot flames will be waiting for you down below lol

Frederick said...

Not joking. The irony is, before I started dating/got married to my wife I was pretty much agnostic. Meaning that I wasn't necessarily a non-believer, I just didn't care either way. Now that I've married into a Catholic family and had to go to marriage prep and church from time to time I've become an athiest. I've listened to so much rubbish over the past few years that I can't believe people live their lives around it. I mean seriously, for those of you that were "brain washed" as little children and were pretty much forced to go to church and believe, if you were to take a step back and be open minded you wouldn't believe how corny everything is. Seriously, the few times I go to church a year with my wife (basically Easter and X-Mas) I listen to all the crap being fed to everyone and see how they are all into it and I just want to stand up and say "You're kidding me right? You actually believe this? Why don't you think for yourselves for once".

If you want to believe in what you believe in, fine. If it makes you a better person, great. However, I've never harmed anybody. I pay my taxes. I'll help a stranger out. I take care of my family. I'm a GOOD person. If the fact that I don't go to church and worship Jesus Christ makes me a bad person and sends me to Hell (if there is one)then I'll just have to live with that. Because I'm not playing ball. If I'm wrong and there is a Heaven and Hell, maybe they'll allow my wife to use a guest pass for me to Heaven. = ) If not, I'll manage.

Anonymous said...

Since you are an atheist and your wife is Catholic. How will your children be brought up? Will you allow them to be brainwashed?

Frederick said...

Well, we kind of compromised. They're baptised Catholic. But they're going to go to public school. We don't say any prayers around the dinner table or anything like that. Basically they'll go to church every now and then and that'll be the extent of it. If when they get older they choose to go more "gung ho" I won't stop them. When they go to my in-laws and I'm not there who knows what is done with them. But the in-laws live out of town so they're not up there very much. My wife knows my stance and she let's me be. Heck, I don't even think she's been to church since Easter so maybe I'm rubbing off on her. = ) I honestly think I've changed her opinion on some things over the years. She's somebody who was told they were Catholic and had no choice about it growing up. She believes in it and all. But she's not overboard

Anonymous said...

Wow Frederick is one messed up puppy

Anonymous said...

You got some valid points Freddy. You really do.

But don't send them to shit hole public school were liberals will not allow any discipline whatsoever.